Your Filipina Wife in Australia
What to do when your wife arrives from the Philippines
So, she gets her visa. You’re both hugely excited, and you book the flight for her. She arrives. What now?
I’ve known of men who’ve let her unpack, and have then gone down the pub (without her) to celebrate long into the evening with their mates, and I’ve known others who have gone away for a week’s work. Not good!
I’m borrowing (with permission) an email exchange I had with a client once on this subject.
Jeff ..******* asked me an interesting question … What is she going to do when she comes to australia ….if asked what should she say to immigration in other words what do they want to hear and what do they not want to hear.Is she allowed to work on a fiancee visa?
The conditions are fairly straight-forward, ******.
· She may work.
· She may study.
· She isn’t entitled to Medicare until she gets the 820 Temporary Spouse visa. Therefore, you need to get health coverage for her in the interim period. MBF and a few others can provide fairly reasonable health insurance for this purpose. Just remember to cancel it once she gets her Medicare card.
So yes, she may certainly say “I want to get a job”. I pointed out to her that the job of “housemaid” doesn’t exist here.
Remember that she’s not used to being alone in a house. Filipino society has no place for loneliness. It doesn’t exist, and tolerance of it is therefore fairly low. When Mila arrived, I brought her everywhere with me. In fact I still do. That’s why I hate going overseas by myself! Make sure you do the same? Don’t leave her in the house all day by herself. If you can try to get to know at least one or two couples (Aussie/Filipina couples) before she arrives, it will help a LOT! If she has Maribel or Malou somewhere that she can have a yack to, it will make life a lot easier. Local Catholic Church is a great place to look. BEWARE of social-climbing Filipinas. You recognise them by the designer clothes and copious gold and diamonds weighing them down. And you also find a placid, emotionally-castrated man sitting beside her! Avoid “Filipino Associations”, and they are full of this type.
Make sure you read up (from the book “Making it Easier”, which we give to clients) on the cross cultural relationship stuff. Because once she gets there, you WILL have some tense moments and you WILL have a few squabbles. There’s stuff there that will help you over those hurdles.
Oh, and make sure there is NO evidence of previous females in the house? No old letters. No old photos. No underwear (yes, I knew a bloke who kept a pair of a previous girlfriend’s undies, and got a very savage fight as his reward). A jealous Filipina is a scary sight! Quite innocent stuff can be easily misinterpreted.
The main issues are therefore:
(a) Don’t just leave her alone. Empty houses in silent suburbs with neighbours who don’t know each other, this is unheard-of for Filipinas. It will freak her out, and may cause depression and will certainly exacerbate feelings of homesickness and thoughts of “I’ve made a mistake”. Take some holidays. Adjust your work hours. Get your mum come and visit during the days. And take note of the next point.
(b) Get her some friends. Organise this before she comes here. Bowling up to a Filiina and her hubby, introducing yourself, and saying “I need someone for my new wife to talk to” is NOT an unreasonable request. The Aussie/Filipina couple already understand your situation, because they’ve been there already. And nice Filipinas will always welcome and befriend newcomers.
(c) And seriously, get rid of any evidence of previous relationships. Whilst it may be normal for Aussies to have a complex romantic/sexual history, it is NOT usual for a Filipina. And try not to keep talking about previous girlfriends or ex-wives if you can avoid it? And get rid of the Playboy magazines and get out of the habit of looking up porn on the internet too (if this is your vice)? Perving at other women is fairly insulting to a good wife.
And try to be kind, patient and understanding of all things? This is all new to her. She probably doesn’t know how the washing machine works, and may not know how the stove works. She ALSO doesn’t need to be force-fed lamb chops and vegemite on toast.
☑ Get her a keycard, and explain how much you can afford to spend on food, clothes, etc. Don’t make her beg you for money.
☑ Find the local Asian grocery shop, particularly if there’s one run by Filipinos. Expect plenty of rice to be on the menu.
☑ If you have kids, establish ground-rules right from the start. She is your wife, therefore she speaks with your authority!
☑ Don’t expect her to be OK about dogs and cats being treated like people. Be prepared for Fido to take a back-seat.
☑ Respect her religious beliefs and practices.
☑ If you haven’t done so already, establish (though communication, understanding and compromise, and NOT by “putting your foot down”) limits on assistance given to family members. If you’ve already read our “Making it Easier” book, you’ll be clearer on this. This is an area that goes right to her heart. Don’t dismiss it lightly, as it’s probably the source of more fights and hurt feelings than any other. Talk and listen……BOTH of you.
☑ Just keep loving her. In difficult times, remember the reasons you fell in love with each other, and never forget these reasons.
And please read CULTURAL PROBLEMS AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS for further insights into issues you may have to deal with.

Hi Jeff, thank you for your insights , do you recommend traveling to the Philippines in search of a wife or is it common to use a website? Do you know what is a usual practice as I dont know anyone who has a philippino wife.
Hi Jeff
your page has given me quite a few laughs ….it is a very well written interspersed by some good advice , appeared with good old Aussie humour ..but appropriately delivered .
Looking forward to getting an assessment on our situation ..regarding Spouse or Fiancee Visa ..whatever you recommend .
Many thanks
Happy to help whenever you’re ready, Len. Sorry for the late reply. I don’t check here very often. Our main site is and we have a visa assessment form there. Please fill that out and we’ll get straight back to you.
Hi everyone, i have some questions i am hoping someone can help me with.. how do i get my fillo fiance to australia for a visit.. if we marry in phil can i stay there for ever and start a business with my wife… if i stay in phil can i cash in my australian super and use it in phil to start the business.. when i reach retiring age will i get the australian pension.. or if we decide to live in australia what exactly do i need to do to get her permnent residence… thanks in advance..
Hello Michael. Please contact us via our main website, which is and complete the visa assessment form. Thanks.
i jeff thanks for all the inlights and advice i realy need them the most….to give me comfort for how i fell …
I am looking to marry a filapina woman. I have been talking with her on and off for about 6 months. We’ll definitely be spending some quality time together before we decide to jump into a full blown relationship but I’d say upon our second visit together the decision will be made if we are to marry or not. I am 30 she’s 28 and we both have a great connection and a good understanding of each others personalities and what kind of a life we would be living together.
She would definitely need to work if I flew her over here and married her that would have to be one of the things we establish almost immediately and we both understand that. On my income she would not last longer than a couple of weeks without a job. She will never have to pay rent though I can at least provide that luxury. I do have access to some filipina communities within Sydney and I am generally social so finding her friends will be easy. I just need to make sure she can get a job.
The plan is that she would study here to become a registered nurse as she had been doing in the philipines but right off the bat we both know she would not be covered by the government to study. I certainly can’t pay for her nursing fees especially if it’s in the thousands that’s just ridiculous.
I know that Australian citizens such as myself are covered by AUStudy in these situations and I am guessing she would need to be a citizen before she had access to AUStudy? Would she then need to work to pay her fees or what? Because the only way I can have her living with me and NOT working is if she’s studying and being paid to study by AUStudy. Otherwise she would have to work point blank period.
Any advice?
Hey Jeff been in a relationship with my beautiful fillipno fiancée Lyn for a year this coming November .we all ways communication see each other every 12 months due to me working .in Australia . she totally understanding about it. But some times thinks I’m going to leave
Her I tell her try to be happy not depression and over thinking things.I’ve given 3 more years before we marriage and if its ok with u if I ask on how on the assement all up visa passports approved will cost so I can have it saved thanks jeff
Yes, please fill out the assessment, Mick. Seriously? You want to wait another 3 years? That’s a big ask. i can understand her concerns, as it would appear to her that you don’t want to commit.