Differences between Australia and Philippines
Hello all.
Something a bit different today. Not always easy to get a clear perspective on the real differences between life in Australia and life in the Philippines. Most of us haven’t really experienced the depths of both societies. I’ve been visiting since the ‘90’s, and have been here full time for over 6 years at this particular time. But I live in a nice estate surrounded by English-speakers. I never wander through the markets and I don’t ride in tricycles these days, because I prefer my comfort. The novelty wears off! I’m no doubt a better-qualified observer than most, but I thought it might be interesting to get some different insights.
Moving from Philippines to Australia
My daughter Remy came to Australia when she was 9 year old. She attended primary school and high school in QLD for 4 ½ years. She was off the plane and into a classroom with Aussie kids within a matter days, and had to learn to cope with a whole lot of differences.
I’m going to do two things.
First? I’m going to interview her (Remy) on camera, and I’m going to ask her some questions about her experiences with moving to Australia and how she coped with various drastic changes and cross-cultural issues as a Filipina in Australia. The first video will be about the move to Australia from Philippines.
Second? The second video will be about moving back here to the Philippines as we did when she was 13 years old. Yes, we all bundled up and moved here in 2010, and have been here ever since. Those who’ve dealt with Registered Migration Agents Down Under Visa would know this already. Remy, after being in an Australian home and family and attending Australian schools, went back with us and was back in school in the Philippines and had to re-adjust all over again. This gives her a very unique perspective on Filipino life through I think I could say Aussie-fied eyes.
So please watch the video, as I won’t be transcribing it all here.
Hope you all enjoyed. I hope it gave you a different view on the differences between life in Australia and life in the Philippines, and I hope it helps you to understand the transitions your Filipina wife (fiancée, partner, girlfriend) will go through when she makes that quantum leap from a Filipino life to an Australian life when she migrates to Australia from Philippines.
And I hope it also gives some insight into the effect on Filipino children when they migrate to Australia with their mum as part of the partner visa application.